No Bake Chocolate Pie

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Oh my! Who out there doesn’t like chocolate? I have this love and hate relationship with chocolate (haha). I use to totally overeat chocolate and then there was a time I couldn’t digest any of it. Today, I have healed so much that I can again enjoy chocolate in small amounts but isn’t this the way we should be eating anyway? Like they say everything in moderation is good for you, right? And then I put this Chocolate pie in front of my face and I want to eat it all, OMG where is my willpower?! LOL.

This Chocolate pie is made with avocado and is gluten, grain, oil, and refined sugar-free, and is no-bake. How good could it be, I mean it has avocado, right? I guess you will have to try it for yourself and let me know what you think. And don’t worry, you can’t taste the avocado at all. This recipe is quick and easy to make and in just 20 min you will enjoy this irresistible chocolate pie. It’s a perfect dessert for the warm weather as you can enjoy it chilled.

No Bake Chocolate Pie

Prep time: 20 min
Total time: 20 min


Base Ingredients:

Filling Ingredients:

  • 2 avocados (ripe medium-large)
  • 4 dates (pitted)
  • 4 Tbsp cacao powder
  • 4 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup coconut cream or milk full fat (chilled the can in the fridge overnight so the cream can solidify, use only the thick cream)


  1. To a food processor add 1 cup of almonds and pulse for 30 seconds until the almonds turn into a thick meal. Now, add 1 ½ cups of dates and 1 cup coconut shreds. Process everything until the mixture forms into a sticky dough.
  2. Transfer the dough to a 9 x 9 pie dish. Crumble the dough evenly over the base of the pie. Starting from the middle, press the mixture hard, firmly and evenly into the dish with your fingers, moving outward and upwards along the side of the dish.
  3. Once done store in the freezer while you are making the filling.
  4. To a clean food processor add all the filling ingredients and process until very smooth. Pour the chocolate filling into a pie crust dish, spread evenly with a spoon. Here you can decorate with hazelnuts and strawberries or have it plain. I highly recommend the hazelnuts as they add a nice crunch and delicious flavour.
  5. Store in the fridge before serving.


  • Store in the fridge before serving.
  • Consume within 24 hours.
  • Always, have a chilled can of coconut milk in the fridge for a last-minute dessert.
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